SL/San Joaquin County, CA -  "In 1996, my leg was broken by a horse kicking me.  The force was so great, it sheered both the tibia and fibula bones, as well as leaving a 3-inch gash.  As it was, the doctor was sure that I would lose my foot to infection.  Ten days and 3 surgeries later, upon unwrapping my ankle I saw that the original 3-inch gash was now nine inches long, almost encircling my ankle, with an added 3-inch vertical cut.  It had been done to allow plates to be put in. I had another surgery to remove the plates and was eventually able to walk again, but the ankle was always weak.  Over the years it has become weaker, and lately, I noticed I was compensating for it by rolling my foot outward as I walked.  If I landed on even the slightest uneven ground, the ankle would buckle.  It was getting to the point that I was ready to see a doctor again, to see if something couldn't be done, when Kari suggested I try Dr. Tennant's Biomodulator on the scar.  I agreed and am so thankful that I did.

I sleep on Dr. Bonlie's Magnetico mattress pads, both the core and the booster, and the first night after the scar treatment my ankle started 'humming', it is the only way I can describe it.  The next morning the strength of my ankle was nothing short of amazing.  It had straightened up completely, so much so, that I had to throw out my worn shoes because they would throw my stride off.  The 'humming' continued for another week then gradually faded until it stopped altogether.  I would consider I have 95% of my strength in my ankle back.  Every time I walk, it is still hard to believe that such amazing results could happen so quickly after almost twenty years of weakness.

Just when I thought the ankle couldn't get any better, Kari then treated my cesarean scar.  The scar was a result of 3 cesarean surgeries and another one to remove a large fibroid tumor.  From my long ordeal with the left ankle accident I had stressed my left leg in an effort to compensate.  I had noticed the left knee had started weakening over the last few years, and I experienced on and off irritation in the inside ligament of that knee, as if the ligament were periodically displaced.  The first evening after my treatment for the cesarean scar when I went to bed on my Magnetico pads, no more than five minutes passed before the C-section scar began to 'sting'.  For how quickly it flared up, I was expecting pain, but fortunately, it never became more than uncomfortable and lasted only about an hour.  I noticed an immediate increase in my energy the next day.  The following nights, I noticed the 'humming' down the inside of my legs clear to my big toes.  I then began taking the Voltage Up to treat my internal scars.  After about three weeks, my left knee went through periods of being stiff, but even during the periods of stiffness, all the discomfort was now gone in both the knee and the ligament.  It felt to me as if the stiffness was from the knee realigning itself.  The real test came when I was carrying a heavy 24 lb bag of dog food, besides the several bags of groceries in my other hand, up the front steps.  Before when carrying something heavy, I would shuffle up the steps one at a time, using only my right leg to lift me to the next step, since it had the stronger knee. To my surprise, I went right up the stairs using both legs equally.  It still amazes me that this treatment can produce such remarkable results in such a short period of time."

KR/Solano County, CA - "I'm so thankful for all of Kari's help with the purchase of my Magnetico sleep pad.  With her careful help and explanations, I was prepared for the potential side effects as my body acclimated to the benefits of the pad.  My reaction to the pads and their detoxing effects were quite profound, yet every step of the way Kari was there to help me analyze my reactions and plan for the next step.  It took six months to get the full benefit from the pads worked through my body. I am thankful for this healing modality and for Kari's knowledge, patience, and understanding of healing.  

Update: I recently worked with Kari on a past life artifact removal. So much of our natural ability to heal is in a realm that we know little about- I’ll call it energy manipulation. Kari is a truly innovative and intuitive energy healer who has a wonderful understanding of this realm. Her artifact removal process was fascinating and very helpful. My artifact was a death blow with a sickle to the back of my neck. The removal was quick, however, the full healing integration took a few days as Kari said it would. This healing integration part was super interesting - some soreness, being lethargic, tired, and conscious of my neck "‘feeling things’. Nothing that some rest, red light therapy, and sauna wasn’t able to help with. I’ve always had trouble with my atlas/occipital area and saw a chiropractor for it for about twenty years. After having my sickle artifact removed from my neck my chiropractor noted that not only was the area hot to touch for about a week; but was also moving really well and stable! It has remained stable since the removal. Great improvement that I’m so thankful for. Thank you Kari for taking me on this adventure with you!”

CB/Santa Rosa, CA - "I suffered from acid reflux.  I tried OTC Prilosec which worked but made me feel weird, kinda queasy.  I figured that wasn't a good thing.  Kari suggested my stomach was not making enough acid to digest my food effectively so it was being pushed up into my esophagus.  Kari recommended smaller meals, no carbonated beverages, zinc, iodine, real salt and pancreatin until my stomach 'reset' itself.  Also she taught me the importance of eating fermented foods like sauerkraut which is helpful to digestion because it contains live enzymes and good bacteria your gut needs to digest food and build a healthy immune system.  I am happy to be able to manage my reflux through diet instead of drugs."

SA/Napa, CA - "I was working with Kari on nutritional needs for a few months to help alleviate tiredness and symptoms of anxiety and overwhelm.  I had some release at first with just a few dietary changes and added supplements but was still struggling.  Kari questioned if these symptoms might be related to the emotional effects of my divorce  years prior.  She suggested we do a technique called PSYCH-K®. This was a technique where I crossed my ankles and arms and followed her lead through 'undoing' an unsupportive subconscious belief that I was holding about myself.  This technique literally took minutes and when we had finished I felt a sense of lightness and relief; hard to explain the sensation but equivalent to someone removing very heavy coats or blankets off of you on a hot day, a letting go of weights.

I then realized that many of my anxiety symptoms (chest pressure, heart palpitations, overwhelm) I had been experiencing for months had subsided.  It was a huge calming relief.  I have more work to do but this was a very significant step towards my healing process and I look forward to clearing more."

RF/N. Dakota - "I shared with Kari about old sports injuries I had sustained as a child and felt weren't completely healed.  I went through physical therapy and was returned to a 'normal' state.  However, I felt - even though my muscles, tendons and ligaments had repaired - that my body was still imbalanced.  My posture was weak and my hips were not level. This caused problems during physical activity as the right side of my body would tire faster than the left.  Kari checked my craniosacral pump and found that it was not pumping, which she explained can be caused by the sphenoid bone in the skull being out of position. This skull imbalance was explained to be a possible causative factor in my body imbalance.  With the biomodulator I was able to realign my sphenoid bone and jumpstart my cerebrospinal fluid flow.  This stimulated the nerves in my face and skull and got the fluid moving again. I instantly felt relief in my spine as a calming sensation flowed through it, as though I could feel the cerebrospinal fluid moving in its vortical pattern.  My balance rapidly improved and I could sense my muscles that had once before healed around my injuries, start to reorganize and restructure themselves equally on both sides of my body.  As of four months later, my hips (the worst of my sport injuries) are coming to life!  I feel more limber and flexible and able to perform stressful physical activity longer and recuperate faster." 

DP/Indiana - "I have entities with me my entire life, or as long as I can remember. I know there were more than one. Some just needed me to be there for energy, like a battery. One caused fear and kept me frozen when he interacted with me. This one I drove out on my own. The others were removed by Kari. As Kari removed the entities I could feel them, each one, leaving. I could feel their emotions. One was slightly scared, but once the light was revealed it felt peace and left quickly to join the light. Since the removal of the entities my energy is better and my brain fog is gone as well.”

WP/Indiana - "I was bitten by a tick and contracted Lyme disease. I took antibiotics for about a year as well as ozone therapy. I also perfected an alkaline diet, all of which helped me to combat the bacterial infection of Lyme. However, I wasn’t fully getting over it; my right side, the side I was bitten on, always felt worse than the left. Almost like I had a wall along my midline blocking the infection from crossing over. I was experiencing neuropathy in my legs and face along with muscle pain, like arthritis. I had my chakras and meridians worked on by Kari and have had so much healing. The neuropathy and muscle pain is almost nonexistent now. The right and left sides of my body feel connected again and equal. I was experiencing an ongoing bladder infection and when she worked on my bladder meridian that cleared up as well. My bladder is stronger than before and I no longer have to worry about sneezing or coughing and having slight leakage. Her work is amazing and the difference I feel is priceless. While working with Kari for my Lyme disease, other challenges would arise such as marital and work related struggles. We worked together on these using PSYCH-K® balances for things like communication, trust, teamwork, parenting, finances, etc. My husband and I were on the verge of divorce and thought we would give it a try together. We had done counseling in the past and felt the PSYCH-K® process to be way more productive and effective than simply hashing out hurtful scenarios. We are both very please and would recommend this to anyone needing this type of help. All the work I and my husband have done has been remote, something I wouldn’t of believed possible if I didn’t experience it myself first hand and it has been super effective!”

ES/Lodi, CA - "After suffering from chronic sacrum pain for several months, which I was seeing a chiropractor twice weekly without resolution. Kari suggested to have my scars treated. I have two large scars on my abdomen, one vertical from a colon surgery, the other horizontal from a tummy tuck I had done years ago. Kari did a laser like treatment for about 40 minutes on these two scars and I have had no sacrum pain for six months now. Apparently scars can block energy flow throughout your body and cause pain. I would have never thought. My abdomen scars also had internal bundles of scar tissue. When Kari was treating my scars she noticed it and suggested I take a course of metabolic enzymes to breakdown the internal scar tissue. The bundles that I could previously feel are now gone and my stomach is smooth to the touch. She did other work such as clearing my chakras…worked on my hip injury that I recently had and am now pain free from that as well. I am glad I had an open mind to let Kari guide me into a better overall condition. I highly recommend a session with her to see what she can do for you!”