Biomagnetism - based on the work of Dr. Goiz

In health, our bioenergy is balanced and neutral. Dr. Goiz realized that diseased states in the body occur when there is an energy imbalance. He found success in treating the energy imbalance with the aide of magnets rather than treating symptoms.

Energy imbalances result in areas of either hyperalkalinity or hyperacidity. These two conditions support pathogenic organisms (viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungi). Dr. Goiz discovered that each specific condition or pathogen has a consistent preferred residing area in the body. Bacteria and fungi requiring hyperacidity; viruses and parasites requiring hyperalkalinity. Before pathogens can become active and disease-causing they require a corresponding partner. A virus will need a resonating bacterium, for example, before disease can start. These resonating pairs are called biomagnetic pairs or BMPs.

Image from BIOENERGETIC BASICS by Janice Bailey

The root cause of energy imbalances are due to traumas. Traumas can be physical, emotional, chemical, and psychological, with emotional comprising up to 80%. The traumas act as an impediment to normal free-flowing, neutral balanced bioenergy. Once the energy becomes polarized, conditions are right to support pathogenic organisms which can lead to a disease state within the body.

Image from BIOENERGETIC BASICS by Janice Bailey

By precisely placing magnets on specific biomagnetic pairs (BMPs), the magnets push the polarized energies back to center within the Bloch wall, reuniting the two sides, rebalancing pH and creating a state of homeostasis so the body can heal itself.

In my work, I use a combination of techniques, including magnet placement with intention, to allow the bodies energy to flow unimpeded.

Recommended reading: Biomag Healing 101 by James W. Lee (whom I am grateful to, for working with me in learning this amazing skill base)