What is PSYCH-K®?  PSYCH-K® is a unique and direct way to identify and change subconscious beliefs that perpetuate old habits and behaviors that can sabotage your self-esteem, relationships, job performance and even your physical health. 

How can PSYCH-K® help me? Your subconscious beliefs establish the limits of what you can achieve.  If you are not achieving your goals, chances are there is a conflict between your conscious goals and your subconscious beliefs. PSYCH-K® is a process of reprogramming your subconscious beliefs to ones that support your conscious desires. Benefits include: reduction of stress and anxiety, increased sense of well-being, elimination of destructive habits, accelerate spiritual development, re-perceive fears and phobias to feel at peace, and to allow abundance in every aspect of life.

How does PSYCH-K® work?  PSYCH-K® is a technique designed to create balanced communication with both hemispheres of the brain.  This "whole-brain" state is ideal for reprogramming the subconscious mind with new positive beliefs that support your goals rather than sabotage them. 

  • PSYCH-K® is a "do-with" process the depends predominantly on the individual seeking change, not the facilitator.

  • PSYCH-K® engages and activates the inner resources of the subconscious and superconscious minds.

  • PSYCH-K® honors the power and responsibility of the individual in making the changes they seek.

  • PSYCH-K® does not require an understanding or interpretation of traumas that led to limiting beliefs or blocked energy flow, it simply allows you to change the beliefs and feel detached from the traumas and re-allow the flow of energy.

"Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny."  -Mahatma Gandhi



Our external life manifests itself according to our internal thoughts and attitudes.  The root of these is hidden in the subconscious mind, which is responsible for 95% of our mental activity, while only 5% is conscious.  This is the reason why most self-improvement methods relying on willpower, commitment, and positive affirmations don't get the desired results. If we want to experience lasting results, we need to address and change the beliefs held at the level of our subconscious mind.

Bruce Lipton discusses how our subconscious beliefs affect our biology.

Rob Williams Originator of PSYCH-K®:

"The overall mission of PSYCH-K® is to NURTURE SACRED GLOBAL EVOLUTION.  To be more specific, I have noticed that many people seem to have forgotten their true identity as spiritual beings having a human experience.  When your subconscious beliefs are aligned with this fundamental truth, you will be freed from a kind of prison of limiting beliefs.  These beliefs can limit who you are, as well as who you want to be.  My personal life experience, as well as 14 years as a psychotherapist, taught me that the source of nearly all suffering, no mater whether it is mental, physical, or emotional comes from the basic illusion of separation from our true Spiritual Nature.

There are many paths, and many names for our Spiritual Source, but all paths have to navigate through the "roadblocks" of the subconscious mind.  Often the subconscious is like a mine-field of limiting beliefs and old outdated "programs" that are no longer worthy of who you are, or who you are becoming.  These limiting subconscious beliefs affect all aspects of your life including, your relationships, self-esteem, financial prosperity, career choices, even your health and fitness.  PSYCH-K® helps clear a safe path through these "roadblocks" to a new place of expanded potential in every area of your life.

We are in a process of a monumental shift in human consciousness, of which we are all playing a part, consciously and subconsciously.  The bad news is that the problems we face are formidable.  The good news is that solutions are available.  And, the best news is that we are the solution!  That is to say, if we can evolve our consciousness to a new level of thinking.  As Albert Einstein said, we can't solve a problem from the level of thinking that created it.  Research shows that PSYCH-K® creates a Whole-Brain State, which in turn acts as a kind of "gateway to higher consciousness," elevating thinking capacity to new levels of functionality and creativity, it is this higher state of consciousness that is needed in order to help solve the problems we face, personally and globally."

"When you change yourself, you change the world!"

What is a PSYCH-K® Session

A PSYCH-K® session is a simple and effective way for you to change limiting subconscious beliefs that are blocking you from reaching your goals in life!

In a PSYCH-K® session, you will define your present situation (problem), and as a PSYCH-K® Facilitator I will help you to identify and transform subconscious beliefs/programs that are keeping you from reaching your desired outcome.

To change your undesired subconscious programs, as a PSYCH-K® Facilitator, I will work with you using a unique combination of resources which include; Muscle Testing, Whole-Brain Integration, and Goal Clarification for the Subconscious Mind. This approach enables you to communicate directly with your subconscious mind in order to safely and effectively change subconscious beliefs. This process is called a Balance, because it creates a balanced identification between the left and right side of the brain, allowing safe and effective access to the subconscious mind to make the desired changes.

The average session is ususally two hours but may vary depending on need. Depending on your specific goal or goals, it may be possible to work on more than one issue in the same session.

The PSYCH-K®’s sessions can be facilitated in person, online and by phone and they all have the same effectiveness. For the online and phone sessions, I use a process called Surrogation that supports the Muscle Testing.

Unsupportive beliefs can manifest as psychological as well as physical symptom. As a PSYCH-K® facilitator I would be honored to work with you on your journey of transformation!