Kari Block - My story…

My schooling and training includes: Bachelors degree in Child Development, Registered Dental Hygienist, Certified Nutrition Consultant, and PSYCH-K® Facilitator.

I fully entered my health and spiritual journey when I became dis-eased with various health challenges starting around 2007. During my journey, I self-taught, attended lectures, courses, programs...all in an attempt to help myself back to a state of ease.  I am self-diagnosed through observations and tests with having at one time the following conditions:  leaky gut, systemic candida, parasites, heavy metal poisoning, memory loss, TIAs, bladder incontinence, joint pain and inflammation, chronic fatigue, and night bruxism.

My healing journey  began with learning about the work of Dr. Weston A. Price, a dentist who lead the American Dental Societies Research Team for 25 years.  Studying his work lead to an understanding of nutrition and infection's role in health not only in teeth but the body as a whole.  

I applied Dr. Price's information to my eating habits and noticed considerable improvement in my health.  However, even these changes were not enough so I went a step further and applied a strict elimination and gut-healing diet, specifically the GAPS diet, to further improve my health through nutrition.  With a customised version of the GAPS diet, I was able to start healing my leaky gut.

Wanting more information about food after experiencing how powerful it can be, I then attended Bauman College and received a Nutrition Consultant Certificate.  I also completed a GAPS certification course, becoming a Certified GAPS Practitioner.

While attending a Weston A. Price Foundation ™ conference, I was introduced to the role of energy in health through the works of Dr. Dean Bonlie, who lectured on the power of magnetism, and Dr. Jerry Tennant who explained so well the importance of adequate nutrients and energy (electrons) for health down to the cellular level.

I then applied the work of Dr. Bonlie to my healing regime and used the power of magnets to aid myself in detoxing heavy metals.  After three months sleeping on Dr. Bonlie's Magnetico pads and using infrared sauna lamp therapy (Dr. Wilson's work) my health took a big turn for the better.  For the first time since my health challenges started I no longer experienced the devastating effects of systemic candida and high levels of heavy metal toxicity.

Everything I implemented was another level up in my quest for optimal health.  I continued my search for information that would further aid myself and others.  I then fully immersed myself further into the work of Dr. Jerry Tennant, author of Healing is Voltage.  I attended and completed his basic and master courses. Here I learned more about the role of dental infections and chronic disease, how scars interfere with the body's flow of energy, the need for optimal thyroid and adrenal health, the role of stomach acid in health, as well as how negative emotions and memories can create energy blocks.

With Dr. Tennant's Biomodulator and Transducer I was able to remove the interference fields of my scars, as well as getting my craniosacral pump flowing strong again.

I then began working on my subconscious beliefs and emotional 'baggage' that I learned were often the underlying cause of physical symptoms..  Here I followed Dr. Tennant's suggestion and looked towards PSYCH-K®, a technique created by Rob Williams and promoted by Dr. Bruce Lipton.  While doing this work I attended PSYCH-K® trainings and became a PSYCH-K® facilitator.  This training opened my world to the role of Spirit in all aspects of my life. I then started studying shamanism, learning about past lives, spirit guides, soul retrievals etc. Life became so much more than I ever would have believed that I would ever believe :) Later, Dr. Tennant suggested I add sound therapy to my journey, via tuning forks. Sound via vibration aides in the removal of stuck energy (bio-photons) in the body’s biofield or aura, the physical representation of emotional ‘baggage’. I found the combination of PSYCH-K®, working with subconscious beliefs, and the power of the tuning fork to release stuck, stagnant energy to be amazingly effective in providing me with a sense of ease and increased energy to co-create the reality of my choosing.

Along the way, I learned to dowse with a pendulum, another form of muscle testing or applied kinesiology. My initial motivation was to identify which foods and supplements worked best for me. Fortunately, I found a master dowser to learn from and greatly expanded its use. I have progressed from using a pendulum to dowse to the art of body dowsing - receiving the information physically from my body. Information received comes from myself in all its aspects including my Higher Self, my subconscious, and my Guides, and from all those same aspects for those whom I am dowsing for.

My journey continues and I am always looking and open to learning what else is out there that needs exploring to aid myself, my family, friends, neighbors, and clients in their personal journeys towards optimal health and well-being.

My journey likens to the mythical phoenix, symbol of death and rebirth, transformation and regeneration,  I 'arose from the ashes' into this new life of health and vitality.  I would not change a thing about my journey, which continues, without it I would not be the person I am today: someone who is more spiritually connected and is grateful for each new day.  

Now my joy comes from sharing with others, aiding in their own personal journeys towards their optimal health and well-being, so we can all live the lives we wish to live.

To Health and Well-being,             
