Muscle Testing or applied kinesiology; is a system of testing muscle strength and muscle weakness, or the freedom of movement in the body, in the presence or absence of a stimulus. The stimulus can be anything: a substance that you hold close to you, an idea, an emotion, an image, a specific question with a clear "yes" or "no" answer, etc. 

 TESTING WITH SOMEONE: With a partner stand facing each other.  Your partner raises their arm, straight out in front of them or to the side at shoulder height.  Do not use injured arms or shoulders, the arm used to test needs to be able to resist a downward force.

The person doing the testing places one hand, or two fingers, above the wrist of the outstretched arm.  The other hand of the tester can rest on the shoulder of the subject.  Before you push down on the arm make sure your partner is ready to resist.  Say "resist" or "be strong".  Do this a couple of times before testing anything to get a feel for their relative arm strength, people vary as to how much force is required.  Note: muscle testing is not a competition, do not overpower the person or push down when they are not ready.  If your partner's arm is extremely strong, have them hold it down at an angle, so it is not horizontal, this will give you more leverage.  Also remember when pushing down, to only exert enough force to overcome the arm's resistance.  Stop pushing when you feel the arm buckle.  Very little force will be needed when your partner tests 'weak' to something.

Now you are ready to test different items.  Select something you want to test and have your partner hold it in one hand close to their body and raise the other for testing.  If the item is too big or not available, they can focus on it in their mind.

Once your partner is holding or focusing on the item say "resist or be strong" and push down on the arm.  Make sure your partner being tested keeps their whole focus on the item being tested and not on your words.  If they have a "positive" response the arm will stay strong, a "negative" response the arm will go weak and easily go down some.

A weak response to something means that their body is reacting negatively to the stimulus being tested.  Muscle testing can also find areas of energy weakness in the body.  By touching points on their body that are associated with different organs or energy meridians and simultaneously muscle testing their arm, you can find ares of energy weakness.  Try this by touching a scar.

MUSCLE TESTING YOURSELF: Self-muscle testing is nice because you don't need a partner.  There are many variations of this technique.  The basic idea is you apply force to one part of the body while resisting with another part as you focus on a stimulus, which can be an item, an idea, emotion, an image, or a specific clear "yes" or "no" answer.

FINGER OVER FINGER: in this self-testing technique you place the tip of your middle finger on top of your index finger.  The middle finger on the top will be doing the pushing down while the index finger will be resisting the push.

Being able to push the index finger down indicates a "weak" muscle signal and correlates to a "no".  Resisting the push of the top finger indicates a "strong" muscle signal and indicates a "yes".

Practice with something you already know the answer to.  For example, "my name is (real name)" then again with "my name is (wrong name) or simply just say "yes, yes, yes, yes" then "no, no, no, no". 

 Your mind should be in a state where you can give full attention to what you are doing and not be distracted by other thoughts or feelings.  It is also important to clear your mind of all expectations, we are wanting the answers to come from our subconscious and superconscious minds, not our conscious mind.

Muscle testing with practice can become a reliable way of knowing what your body, mind, and spirit likes and dislikes.

PENDULUM DOWSING: This is another method of communication with the subconscious and superconscious mind, also working with Guides is available upon request. It requires dangling an object with some weight to it on the end of a string to allow a swinging action (a pendulum).  One must first set up the 'language' of the pendulum.  For example, you could swing the pendulum forward and back for a positive "yes" answer and side to side for a negative "no" response or you could swing it in a circular motion to the right and left for your different responses.  I like to have a response if something doesn't matter or if the question is unanswerable.  For me, this is the pendulum not swinging at all.  I also set up the amount of swing action to indicate the strength of the response.  For example, if I say, while holding my pendulum, "this is ok for me to eat" and I barely get a swinging motion to the right then it is ok for me to eat but my body is not overly excited about it.

SUGGESTED RULES FOR MUSCLE TESTING:  It is a good idea to honor the response you receive from whichever method you chose to use.  For example, if I say that eating this piece of cake is good for me and I get a negative response, I should not follow with eating the cake.  If I know I am going to eat the cake no matter what the test says then I just should not test it.  It is a good idea if you would like to check to be sure about a response to word it the opposite way.   As with my cake example, if I first asked if it was good for me to eat the cake and got a swing to the left (meaning a negative response for me) and I wanted to make sure I could change how I word it to, "It is not good for me to eat this cake" then if the testing is consistent I should get a swinging towards the right (a positive response for me).  Also, gratitude.  When you’re done testing be grateful for the information and the system that you have established in receiving that information.

These are a few methods, there are many more.  Experiment, find which one works for you. Practice, believe, have faith. Everyone can do this. Enjoy!

As a seasoned muscle tester and dowser I would enjoy sharing with you these techniques so you can be empowered by tapping into your knowledge within.