Scars, either from trauma or surgeries, can create an interference field hindering the free flow of energy through the body’s meridian system, which runs along the body’s fascia. The knowledge of the importance of treating scar interference fields comes from the work of Dr. Jerry Tennant, from his book Healing is Voltage Cancer’s On/Off Switches: Polarity. “A scar that touches the fascia will create a short or a ground.”
To determine if the scar is causing a short or a ground, muscle testing can be used. Have the person with the scar create a circle with their thumb and ring finger. Then gently pull on the circle created to show how strong it is. Now have the person touch an area on their body that does not have any trauma with their pointer and middle fingers of their other hand, pressing firmly. Muscle test their finger circle again, it should remain strong. Now have them take their testing fingers (their pointer and middle fingers) and touch the scar in question while gently pulling on their finger circle. If it opens, it means the scar is a short or ground causing the whole body to go weak.
Images from Dr. Tennant’s Book: Healing is Voltage
When it is determined that a scar is shorting out a meridian, it can be treated using Dr.Tennant’s BioModulator, BioTransducer, and his blend of essential oils. After it has been treated, retest the scar using the finger muscle testing described above. Tattoos, as well as piercings, can and should be treated in the same manner. However, tattoos with color may not stay cleared and may need regular treatment.
Internal scars are not able to be treated with this method, instead, a course of metabolic enzymes are used to break down and dissolve them.
I have available Dr. Tennant’s BioModulator, BioTransducer, and his essential oil blend and can treat scars, tattoos, and piercings in person as well as remotely. I also can recommend quality metabolic enzymes for dissolving internal scaring. This process is simple yet effective in removing a block to the body’s natural flow of energy.