" Chronic Disease occurs when you lose the ability to make new cells. What we need to make new cells that work: Voltage and Raw Materials." Dr. Jerry Tennant
Dr. Tennant was faced with a debilitating health crisis. He wondered why if we replace our cells all the time, why does our body not just get better. He decided to better understand what a cell needs to replace itself with a fully functioning cell and apply this to himself. His work led him not only to a state of health for himself and others but to an amazing comprehension of how the body functions. His work can be found in his book, HEALING IS VOLTAGE, third edition. Dr. Tennant has come out with a theory of cancer that can be found in his latest book, HEALING IS VOLTAGE CANCER'S ON/OFF SWITCHES: POLARITY.
So what stops us from having enough energy (voltage)? First of all let's discuss what energy is. As humans, we are made mostly of liquid. Energy in liquid is measured as pH. pH is just another way of expressing energy just as one would express energy in a wire as voltage. If one were to think of themselves as a house, there would be main electrical lines supplying the house's energy needs and multiple smaller circuits supplying varies parts of the house. Like the house we have "main cables" of energy running up our back (Govenor Vessel) and down our front (Conception Vessel). We also have 6 other main pairs of circuits (meridians) supplying different aspects of our bodies. Each circuit starts at a hand or a foot, runs through a solid organ (capacitor), through some teeth (crystal matrix), through a hollow organ (coil), and back to either a hand or foot depending on which one it started from. Energy that runs through capacitors and coils in parallel are Tesla Resonating Circuits. So one can see that we are composed of Tesla Resonating Circuits. If we buy into the paradigm that health is energy and we are experiencing ill-health then we must be experiencing low-energy in some or all of our Tesla Resonating Circuits. The next logical question is what supplies these circuits (meridians) with energy and what blocks or drains the circuits (meridians) energy.
Alkaline - Structured Water
Earthing - Grounding
Ozone - Oxygen
Light therapy - Sunshine - Infrared
Moving water - Vortex
Love, hugs, touching others
Raw foods - Juicing
Functioning Craniosacral Pump
Removal of toxins, infections, negative emotions and scar interference fields
Healthy Fats - Functional Cell Membranes
Exercise - Piezoelectric
Chewing - Piezoelectric
Healthy Mitochondria - Kreb's Cycle
Scar Interference Fields - Trauma / Surgeries
Toxins - Pesticides, Heavy Metals, Pharmaceuticals, Fluoride
Prolonged Inactivity - Sitting
Dental Infections - Root Canal Therapy / Cavitations
Tonsil Tags - Incompletely Removed Tonsils
Hypothyroid and Low Adrenal Function
Negative Emotions / Memories / Subconscious Programming
GMO Foods
Chemotherapy / Radiation
Processed Foods
Trans and Rancid Fats
Nutrient Deficiencies
Bulk Water - Acidic and Unstructured
Rubber Soled Shoes
Lack of Love and Affection
EMF Exposure - Cell Phones, Smart Meters...
Dr. Tennant is one of the leading alternative medical physicians of our time. He looks at nutrition and the body's flow of energy (meridians) for sources of low function. With Dr. Tennant's knowledge of how the body works and the use of his Biomodulator and Transducer, as well as other modalities, energy blocks can be reduced or eliminated allowing the body to heal as naturally designed.